The Five By: The Games of Episode 9

I’ve played most of the games featured this week, with only Mason’s game being a complete unknown. I haven’t played Lindsay’s choice either but I at least own it’s predecessor and knew a decent amount about it. It’s an interesting mix as always so check out the show 00:40 Ruth – Arcadia Quest As mentioned…

November Challenge Wrap-Up

It’s officially December, and so my attempts to improve my game & comics organization is technically over. However, I’ll be continuing to work on the projects I started last month for the next couple of weeks. Since my last update, I’ve gotten a few more things taken care of, most involving inserts. Organization During a…

November Challenge – Update 2

We’re now over halfway through the month and I’m realizing my list of projects for the month was pretty ambitious given that the month included both the 24-hr marathon and hosting Thanksgiving for Kit’s whole family. So I will likely be putting off some of the more creative (fun) projects, like the Mysterium screen, until…

October Painting Challenge – Results

So let me start by saying that I got completely distracted by a different project and so abandoned my October challenge almost entirely. So yeah, not so good. I did end up completing all of the Pathfinder miniatures I was working on, but I only got about a third of the Arcadia Quest ones painted….

October Painting Challenge Update – Arcadia Quest

My approach to the Arcadia Quest miniatures is to start with the monsters and only start on heroes if I have time leftover. Which given that I’ve decided to start working on a somewhat complicated Halloween costume, is unlikely to happen this month. But I had initially planned to focus on the bad guys only,…

October Painting Challenge

Having set myself personal challenges for both August & September, it seems as if holding myself accountable on this blog is working when it comes to spending my free time on something more interesting than browsing Twitter on my couch. So let’s keep setting challenges! For next month, I’ve decided to focus on miniature painting….

What Did You Play This Week(end)

Taking some title inspiration from the great WDYPTW Podcast, here’s a recap of what gaming I got in over the weekend. Friday When I have a weekend off, it’s a three-day weekend and so I can start my relaxation early. When Kit called on his way home from work, he suggested I get a game…