October Bullet Journal – Alchemy

I’ve been using a running notebook to organize myself for a few years, though not consistently. Once we entered the pandemic times, things dropped off bit, despite the fact that I still have work and podcast commitments to manage along with tracking personal tasks. So I decided to try and start again but with a…

Hanamikoji (2013) – Review

Designer: Kota Nakayama Artist: Maisherly Publisher: EmperorS4 The Gion neighbourhood of Kyoto is the city’s most famous geisha district, and within this area the street called Hanami-Koji (Flower-viewing Lane) is one of the most popular places. On this street lined with teahouses and restaurants, many geisha and their apprentices can be seen in the evenings…

Beth Sobel: Creator Spotlight

Beth Sobel is behind some of the most beautiful art in board gaming today. Her work has been featured in a variety of fantastic games, and you can be sure that seeing her name associated with a game is a sure-fire way to have me give it a closer look. A couple of notable titles…

Daniel Solis: Creator Spotlight

Daniel Solis’s website tagline pretty much says it all “Art Director by Day. Game Designer by Night.” Whether sharing insights into the graphic design & layout process on Twitch or sharing insights into the game design process on his blog, he provides a wealth of information for those looking to either get into the industry…