Our FunCom Fall Feast

Kit’s work has a history of food-related challenges from chili cook-offs to holiday cookie contests. So when they announced a contest to show off a feast cooked in November, we figured it was time to go for it. Here’s what we put together for a delicious Fall Tuesday menu. To Sustain the Cooks On a…

Quarantine Distraction or My Paint By Numbers Kits

Over the last couple of quarantine months, I’ve been occupying myself with Paint By Number kits. Unlike the simple ones from toy sections, these are aimed at adults with more interesting or complex design and seem to have become a bit of a trend online, with a ton of sites offering them for sale. Since…

GWG Mind Your Mind Exchange

I’m a big fan of Greatway Games, not just of the podcast itself but also of the thriving Slack community they’ve built. Accessible to Patreon subscribers, the Slack features tons of opportunities to get to know fellow board game enthusiasts, including the occasional gift exchange. Run by Raf, using BGGs Secret Santa tools, I’ve participated…

Dashi (& Hiro) Omakase – September 2018

Here in Durham, Dashi offers amazing ramen in their downstairs ramen shop, plus delicious small plates and ramen in their upstairs izakaya (Japanese pub). They also can be booked by large groups for omakase experiences. Luckily for me, they periodically offer special nights where the upstairs dining area is full of people enjoying a themed…

Coffee Break

There are a ton of people out there creating interesting articles and videos, putting them out for us to enjoy and not asking much, if anything in return. Here are some things I’ve enjoyed recently; check out the links and consider commenting or even buying someone a cuppa in return. Katie Aidley had an Origins…

Into the Drowning Deep – Review

I had seen some chatter on Twitter about this horror thriller from Seanan McGuire writing as Mira Grant, and upon realizing the monsters involved were mermaids, I just had to get myself a copy. During our recent snow day, I curled up with the newly-arrived book and ended up devouring three-quarters of it in a…

A Few Things You Might Have Missed While at Gen Con 50

Wednesday saw the release of Episode 15 of The Five By which covered a lot of really good games – listen in your favourite podcast app or using the links on our website and then read my thoughts here. The last part of The Adventure Zone finale released on Thursday prompting a metric fuckton of…

Travel Plans (and Games)

Kit and I were invited to a (practically) family wedding this June, with the only wrinkle being that it’s being held in Hannover. Thus, we won’t be attending Origins this year as we’ll be heading off on our holidays, with plans to spend just over six days in Rome before heading to Hanover for four…

Backed Kickstarter Projects

A while ago I’d decreased my activity on Kickstarter a good amount but I’ve noticed it creeping back up lately. So I’m making a list of backed projects both current and those waiting to fulfill in an effort to stay honest. Currently Backing Hero’s Trove Item Cards for 5E (ends Mon, May 29th) I’m still…

Wizarding World Loot Crate: Dark Arts Review

It’s been a few months since I subscribed to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Loot Crate, and last week I received my fourth crate which was themed around the Dark Arts, featuring items reminiscent of the more evil characters and aspects of JK Rowling’s world. Spoilers abound, so scroll down past the Dark Mark…

Kickstarter Notes – March 2017

I’m still not backing a ton of Kickstarter projects, but I do find myself browsing the app every now and again to see what’s out there in the world of crowd-funding. Here’s a few projects that have caught my eye recently, a few of which I’ve actually backed, arranged in order of end date. Most…

I’m Scared – Personal Post

I’m scared. I’m scared for my patients. For those who celebrated when the Affordable Care Act meant they and their families could finally get the care they needed, and are now asking everyday if they’re about to be abandoned. For those who rely on Medicare and Medicaid. For those who keep asking me to reassure…