Kickstarter Update – August

VISITOR in Blackwood Grove – ends August 22nd While watching Chris Bryan share some Board Game news recently (subscribe to his channel, seriously, go now), I heard him mention this intriguing game was on Kickstarter and I just had to check it out. Designed by Mary Flanagan and Max Seidman, the game is set in…

Backed Kickstarter Projects

A while ago I’d decreased my activity on Kickstarter a good amount but I’ve noticed it creeping back up lately. So I’m making a list of backed projects both current and those waiting to fulfill in an effort to stay honest. Currently Backing Hero’s Trove Item Cards for 5E (ends Mon, May 29th) I’m still…

Kickstarter Notes – March 2017

I’m still not backing a ton of Kickstarter projects, but I do find myself browsing the app every now and again to see what’s out there in the world of crowd-funding. Here’s a few projects that have caught my eye recently, a few of which I’ve actually backed, arranged in order of end date. Most…

Taking Stock – Austerity & Outstanding Game Orders

Inspired by a number of friends who’ve been taking charge of their financial health, it’s time for me to publicly state that I’ll be buying no more games in 2016. The only exception I’m allowing myself to make is for PACG adventure packs, since Kit & I are really enjoying working our way through the…

Kickstarter Notes

I’ve returned to browsing Kickstarter on occasion & a few projects have caught my attention. I’m not backing all of the following, but they were intriguing enough for me to want to share them. Projects are arranged so that those closest to ending are at the top of the list. Unreal Estate – A Fantasy…

Ahead in the Clouds – Kickstarter Preview

I’ve been a fan of Button Shy Games for a while, and am a member of their Patreon-based Board Game of the Month club. Throughout 2016, they’ve been releasing monthly “wallet” games with the current plan being to continue doing so until 2017, when they will start offering quarterly campaigns featuring three games at a…

Herbaceous – Now on Kickstarter

I had a while there when I didn’t really back Kickstarter projects as I was trying to be pickier about adding to my collection. I’ve recently been checking the site out more often to see what’s coming, though I’m still not rushing to back a game unless there’s something really special about it. But I…