UnPub 8: A Mixed Bag

Last week I attended UnPub 8, four days dedicated to improving currently unpublished games through playtesting in Baltimore, MD. Games can be in any state of “unpublished” from an initial prototype to games that while under contract are still in a stage of development where playtester feedback is still valuable (ie. not already in production/on…

UnPub 7: Summary & Statistics

UnPub 7 is over and I’ve written thousands of words about how amazing it was – but here’s a quick breakdown of my weekend in Baltimore, followed by links to ALL my UnPub 7 posts. Prototypes played: 17 Released games played: 0 Games played from my list pre-UnPub: 8/14 People played with: 29 People I…

UnPub7: The Community

UnPub is an amazing event in terms of the feel. Everyone is incredibly welcoming and eager to introduce themselves at all times, not just when attempting to rustle up playtesters. People don’t mind you watching them play a game as you try to get a feel for it and will even explain what they’re doing…

UnPub 7: Sunday & Monday

I had been super interested in getting to play Daniel Newman’s Step Right Up but by the time both I was free and the table had space on Saturday, my brain was getting fried. So we made plans to play at 10am Sunday which meant I knew exactly where I’d be starting the last day….

UnPub 7 – Saturday

While discussing with Jessica Wade what games we were interested in, we’d both mentioned Favelas by Chris Bryan. Walking over to the event on Saturday we decided to head for his table as soon as the doors opened to playtesters and so Favelas was our first game of Saturday. It’s a gorgeous tile-stacking game themed…

UnPub 7: Pre-Gaming and Designer Day

Pre-UnPub Gaming with Eric I met up with Eric Booth at our local FLGS to play some games on Thursday afternoon. After grabbing lunch, we started with a game of Roll Player. I rolled up a Savage, Free-Spirited, Halfling Thief and was extremely successful doing so, successful enough to take the win. I continue to…

UnPub 7: the Games I Want to Play

There are a ton of interesting games that will be shown off and tweaked during the upcoming UnPub weekend, but as always, there are a few that have caught my attention as I prepare for the trip. Based on the UnPub program so far, these are the games currently on my radar, organized by table…

UnPub 7: Getting Excited

Last year I attended my first big UnPub event at the Baltimore Convention Center and had a really good time despite making a few rookie mistakes. I enjoyed it so much in fact, that when they announced the dates for UnPub 7 to the designers & VIP playtesters, I immediately purchased my 2017 badge there…