Beth Sobel: Creator Spotlight

Beth Sobel is behind some of the most beautiful art in board gaming today. Her work has been featured in a variety of fantastic games, and you can be sure that seeing her name associated with a game is a sure-fire way to have me give it a closer look. A couple of notable titles…

Daniel Solis: Creator Spotlight

Daniel Solis’s website tagline pretty much says it all “Art Director by Day. Game Designer by Night.” Whether sharing insights into the graphic design & layout process on Twitch or sharing insights into the game design process on his blog, he provides a wealth of information for those looking to either get into the industry…

Upcoming: Creator Spotlights

It’s been a rough couple of days, and I’m still somewhat numb, but I’ve been trying to look at things I can do to help support others who’re facing uncertainty about their futures. One of the aspects concerning people I know is financial security if the ACA is repealed increasing their healthcare costs, and as…