Spiel 2016 (Late) Preview

Some background info – I started this post weeks ago and planned to finish it for posting the week before Spiel. But I got sick and lost motivation and so never got it finished in time. I’m posting it now in a modified form as a list of the games I was interested in prior…

Ahead in the Clouds – Kickstarter Preview

I’ve been a fan of Button Shy Games for a while, and am a member of their Patreon-based Board Game of the Month club. Throughout 2016, they’ve been releasing monthly “wallet” games with the current plan being to continue doing so until 2017, when they will start offering quarterly campaigns featuring three games at a…

Herbaceous – Now on Kickstarter

I had a while there when I didn’t really back Kickstarter projects as I was trying to be pickier about adding to my collection. I’ve recently been checking the site out more often to see what’s coming, though I’m still not rushing to back a game unless there’s something really special about it. But I…