September Comics Catch-Up – Wrapping Up

Well September is over, and let’s get the bad news out of the way first: I still have a lot of comics left to read. But I did make some headway over the last 30 days. Since my last update, here’s what else I managed to get caught up on. Insexts This is one title…

September Comics – Another Update

So the month of September continues, and with it, my goal of catching up on comics. Except between TBGT, work, and reading a non-comic work in my free time (oops), I had barely made progress since my last update. Luckily I was able to find time this weekend to sit down and read, so here’s…

September Comics – Update

So this month I’m attempting to get caught up on the huge backlog of comics I have sitting in my office. It was a slow start to the month, as I only managed to read a single series during the first week, just 4 measly issues of A-Force. As of yesterday morning that was still…

September Comics Catch-Up

Last month I made myself a personal challenge to play a tabletop game every day of the month, or failing that, to play a tabletop game on as many of them as possible. In the end, there were days that my only gaming was mobile or PC, but I still managed to get a lot…