Targi Upgrades

As mentioned in my recent review (find it on The Five By or in written form here), I had been musing about replacing the resources in my copy of Targi. I decided the other day that I was just going to go ahead and do so, quickly googling options. The only Targi-specific upgrade set I…

Imperial Assault Broken Token Insert

Confession time – I actually replaced someone else’s handmade custom insert with a commercial product. That’s right, I’m a monster who didn’t deserve Jason Dinger’s hard work. But just let me explain… I store my games sideways for the most part, and even when I don’t, I occasionally carry them sideways., So, when Jason generously…

November Challenge Wrap-Up

It’s officially December, and so my attempts to improve my game & comics organization is technically over. However, I’ll be continuing to work on the projects I started last month for the next couple of weeks. Since my last update, I’ve gotten a few more things taken care of, most involving inserts. Organization During a…

November Challenge – Update 2

We’re now over halfway through the month and I’m realizing my list of projects for the month was pretty ambitious given that the month included both the 24-hr marathon and hosting Thanksgiving for Kit’s whole family. So I will likely be putting off some of the more creative (fun) projects, like the Mysterium screen, until…

The Towers of Burgundy from Meeple Realty – Insert Review

As my prize for winning the FeldCon meta-game, I received The Towers of Burgundy from Meeple Realty. It’s a laser-cut wooden insert designed to store a copy of The Castles of Burgundy plus assorted expansions within the original game box, while also cutting down set-up time when getting the game to the table. First of…