August Game-a-Day Wrap-Up

So the month is over, and it’s time to see how I did overall… Not too shabby. Those plays represent games played on 25 out of 31 possible days, which is definitely a major increase over my norm. All but one of the days I missed were due to being particularly exhausted due to travel,…

What Did You Play This Week(end)

Taking some title inspiration from the great WDYPTW Podcast, here’s a recap of what gaming I got in over the weekend. Friday When I have a weekend off, it’s a three-day weekend and so I can start my relaxation early. When Kit called on his way home from work, he suggested I get a game…


Last weekend, I drove to VA to pick up Jessica so that we could make the trip to Park Slope neighbourhood of Brooklyn for FeldCon, a day of gaming dedicated to the master of the point salad himself. It sounds crazy; it IS crazy. I drove from NC to NY Friday to play Saturday, and…

August 2016 Game-a-Day Update

So I’m now just over a week into the month, and so far, I haven’t missed a day of gaming yet. It hasn’t gone exactly as planned, but at least I’m getting games on the table. Here are a few thoughts on the month’s gaming so far. (For the list of games played so far,…

August 2016 Game-a-Day

This month I’m attempting to play something, anything, every single day. To keep me honest, I’ll be keeping a running record of titles played over the month in this post. The Game: Are You Ready to Play the Game (x2) Circus Flohcati Tyrants of the Underdark (x2) A la Kart, The Fittest, Junk Orbit Siggil…